Monday, October 13, 2008

Eli's wardrobe

I finally got brave enough to try and sort through Eli's wardrobe...he needs his own closet because I seem to have an issue with buying him clothing! I tried to hold onto the wiggly little guy long enough to try on some things to see how well they fit. Finally, I gave up and decided to just put everything smaller than 3/6 months in the "too small" box...I know, he is half way to 9 months old and can still fit in such tiny things. I wish that I would have bought certain items in several different sizes. How was I to know how great the orange polo shirt would be and that those Walmart khaki pants would be so awesome? I'm enjoying the daily morning decision as to what Eli should wear. What will I do when he gets old enough to want to make that decision himself? Wait a minute...Rex is 41 and still lets me dress him occaisionally. Cool.

1 comment:

Eric and Tracey said...

Boys don't seem to care for quite some time so enjoy it! Girls start to take that over abt. 18 months. :-)